Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
I miswrote previous.

So with LIGO you could not place and playback any audio system in the same room as LIGO ..without IT being corrupted by the transmission of any shear wave or compressive wave..For LIGO to succeed outside its container it must duplicate that same containment where ever it travels. In your home with electronics that generate wave types from transformers motors and speakers LIGO would be a storage device for such wave types. Those devices would include diaphragms contained inside headphones and any device that has a power source or motor to drive those. They all generate shear waves and compressive waves as part of their motion .

Think about the possibility of eliminating all forms of motion..compressive and shear..then what Geoff?.Can you hear that? Anything.....Tom

Mmm, been a while since I've been here,  however,  question,  Has any one tried exotic fuses in speaker's and received  exceptional sound improvement? 

I miswrote previous.

So with LIGO you could not place and playback any audio system in the same room as LIGO ..without IT being corrupted by the transmission of any shear wave or compressive wave..For LIGO to succeed outside its container it must duplicate that same containment where ever it travels. In your home with electronics that generate wave types from transformers motors and speakers LIGO would be a storage device for such wave types. Those devices would include diaphragms contained inside headphones and any device that has a power source or motor to drive those. They all generate shear waves and compressive waves as part of their motion .

Think about the possibility of eliminating all forms of motion..compressive and shear..then what Geoff?.Can you hear that? Anything.....Tom

I'm not sure what you’re going on about. LIGO’s extremely comprehensive vibration isolation system(s) are intended to reduce background mechanical noise to the point where the experiment is sufficiently sensitive to differentiate gravity waves, which are extraordinarily minute, from the background noise. What is the background noise I’m talking about? Well, in the case of LIGO - way out in the boondocks - that’s primarily seismic type mechanical noise produced by Earth crust motion (microseismic vibration), the primary energy of which is located down around 0 to 3 Hz. Since the interferometer I.e., laser shoots down a tunnel around 3 km long to a mirror and back, there's plenty of room for error. Therefore, extremely low resonant frequencies Fr for the isolating systems are required. So, if you could construct a LIGO at home you could obtain superior audio performance. How much is good enough? You might have to deal with acoustic waves (which are also mechanical in nature) and any residual noise on the top plate of isolation devices however that is produced with damping.

LIGO Also employs very robust vacuums around test equipment, recall vacuums are excellent at NOT transmitting mechanical noise. When I was in the exhibit with Mapleshade he had a brand spanking new Nachamichi Dragon CD player with separate DAC. The player had the capability of forming a relatively good vacuum seal around the CD transport when a CD was played. The entire Nachamichi system was isolated on my 6 degree of freedom Sub Hertz Nimbus Platform, the top plate of which employee special and highly effective dampers to deal with residual vibration on the top plate. Sort of a precursor to LIGO you could say, since that was just around the time LIGO began about 20 years ago.

So would the vacuum of LIGO be able to prevent electron motion and its resulting vibration  generated externally from an alternating current on a filament inside a fuse ?

While the ac signal is not the smallest or largest wave motion it is the first in line of the many that will follow. Heck many audio companies claim the source is the most important of signals...could it be the ac so vital as it is the first component inside most audio devices. 
Hanging on this hair thin element is an 8 gauge power cord ..what kinda battle of scale and competing forces is that one. Just a projected image..Tom