Hearing is believing?........power cables.......

For anyone who is skeptical about the difference a high quality power cord can make in your high quality audio system........try it.......hearing is believing. About 10 years ago when I bought my first "entry level" hifi system (B&K amp/preamp, Canton speakers) my audio advisor dropped off a Tara Labs Prism power cord. He said just try it for a week and if you don't think it makes a difference just return it. I, like most unfamiliar with high quality cables, was skeptical.......how could a cable 1 meter long from the wall to my equipment make a difference? I put it on the power amp and yes I could definitely tell there was a more defined bass and overall clearer soundscape. I'm a musicians, so I figured maybe the "non audiophile" can't hear the difference. So my brother-in-law who is a bricklayer came over and we did a blind listening test. I randomly switched the Tara, sometimes trying to fool him......told him I switched but didn't........he could tell every time I used the Tara! So I was convinced that it was "wishful thinking on my part or particularly sensitive ears. If you don't think a great power cable can make a difference........take the challenge. Try one for a week and see (hear) for yourself!
This has been discussed previously.  That there are those with hefty "budgets" that don't know what they are doing.  They believe that everything (or many things) that have extreme price tags MUST be a better product.  They are wrong.  Some products sell at a high price because of the high price...at a lower price they might not sell as well.  I'd opine that the $6000 power cord is one of these products.

Since Value is the result of the mathematical equation of Quality divided by Price, such a power cord is a serious poor value regardless of whatever incremental SQ boost it might provide or how fat you boast your wallet to be.  High priced "exotic" items are rarely a good value and often exist merely because there are those that have no appreciation of that concept.

I'd also opine that the most successful people on the planet, who earned their own fortunes, do appreciate that concept and rarely waste money on poor values.
+1 randy11

"Lack of a basic science education leads to worse things than wasting money on placebo cables, anti-vaxers for example"

Yup. For example, the whole global warming scare has demonized CO2 from what it actually is - a totally harmless trace gas and extremely minor infra-red absorber of which projected increases will only help green the planet at an absolutely negligible change to temperature.
" That there are those with hefty "budgets" that don’t know what they are doing. They believe that everything (or many things) that have extreme price tags MUST be a better product. They are wrong. "

But how do you know that they don’t know what they are doing? You are guessing, based on your own narrow view of what is expensive without any insight at all into the thinking of those people you obviously do not understand and do not know. You have simply decided that these cables are a poror value and so you have based conclusions on your solitary supposition that is not based on any facts but rather your prejudiced view of people you don’t understand. So silly!

"Since Value is the result of the mathematical equation of Quality divided by Price, such a power cord is a serious poor value regardless of whatever incremental SQ boost..."

Of course here you reveal your rather profoundly ignorant view of economics by this definition the purchase of an original Picasso painting is a poor value when it fact it could bring conceivably tremendous joy in to the life of someone for whom the expense if not trivial is very easily absorbed into their lifestyle without ever effecting their budget in any way. I do understand that this concept is difficult for you to grasp but if you imagine for a moment perhaps what you’re life might be like if you won the lottery perhaps you might be able to imagine that there exists a world outside of your own where the concept of value is markedly different than your own.

So as a little exercise I’ll respectfully ask you to consider that if a $6,000 power cable is a poor value where do you define a good value power cable to be priced at and after you decide that number consider that you arrived at that price point by evaluating your own economic condition and not the economic condition of someone else and therein lies the fallacy in your argument that $6,000 for a power cable is a poor value.

As a way of offering another example I consider a meal at McDonald’s to be a very poor value and in fact in matter respects a much worse value than that of a quality $6,000 power cable. How can this be you ask? That would only be a conversation we could have once you grasp the fundamental concepts revolving around you’re subjective definition of what constitutes a good value in a power cord and you’re insistence that the equation you apply to arrive at that definition is the exact same equation to the penny that every other person should apply to the same calculation.

What size waist do you use when you buy a pair of pants? I hope it is one that is suited to your actual waist size and when it comes to power cords and budgets and values the same principal applies.

I should add to this to be fair to you that I am not arguing as to whether or not a $6,000 power cable is a good value or poor value for you! it is obvious that it would be a very poor value for you and you have made your position and opinion on this very obvious. You're error is applying the same formula for arriving at that conclusion to all others who would be considering the same value proposition. You're $6,000 is better spent elsewhere probably on rent and food and things that are much more essential to your daily life than a high-end audio power cord for use in a Music Reproduction System.
I can speak to value of power cords from my perspective. About 100K invested in speakers. Zero spent on power cords.

Can I afford a $6000 cable jewelry to go along with my Daytona Rolexes - sure I can very easily afford but that would be a total waste of money as I only care about the sound of a power cord whereas a time piece is art to me.