In fact I would love it if I could make the output impedance of our amps lower. The problem I have with solid state is that many semiconductors have a non-linear aspect about them that causes them to have higher ordered harmonics (at low levels, but as I pointed out earlier, the ear is very sensitive to that sort of thing) and hard clipping. The only devices that I have found that don’t are the static induction transistors made by Sony. IMO They had a chance to really set the audio world forward, but in true Sony fashion (which is to come up with an innovation and then shoot themselves in the foot) failed to make a full complement of driver and voltage amplifier devices to go with their rather amazing output devices.
Then when you add in high levels of feedback (there are various forms of feedback and I’m speaking in general terms), you end up with micro changes in transient values of the harmonic structure, all smeared out of time and out of level, shape, expression, and so on.
This is sometimes...the new detail found in some recordings. People mistake this false data as real and write the given amplifier up as being revealing.
Yet one good listen to the given amp by an aware person who has heard differently (and possibly understands what is going on), will drive said person from the given room with hands clamped on ears.
The brain and aural learning, generally moves forward. It is the cognitive speed and lack of aural projection (parallel aural paths in forms of known neural discernment and learning)..which makes the difference in this question and answer pairing (in it’s evolution). Ie, the brain has a masking and pre-load issue that it uses to keep aural experiences from taking too long to discern -it pastes in learned data on new and current aural experiences. Learning to defeat that mechanism takes time and awareness.
Or, for the intrepid audio explorer -"what has been heard, cannot be unheard".
Complex crossovers with low impedance considerations..exacerbate said issues, and make the given high feedback amplifier even more illiterate with fine transient function - and increase false harmonic structure. Which drives those who hear it, even faster.... from the given room. This falseness is, more importantly -- covering up real detail and real harmonics.
Using feedback in audio is tricky, at best.
This is cognitive function like learning and intelligence. It takes time to learn to discern these things, aurally. Some people ’get it’ sooner, some people ----never do.