I can speak to value of power cords from my perspective. About 100K invested in speakers. Zero spent on power cords.
Can I afford a $6000 cable jewelry to go along with my Daytona Rolexes - sure I can very easily afford but that would be a total waste of money as I only care about the sound of a power cord whereas a time piece is art to me.
@shadorne , Hopefully, you can see the irony in your post.
It seems to say that excess waste is fine and dandy, as long as you approve of it.
To me, a Daytona Rolex is a total waste of money, as I only care about what time it is.
Now cable jewelry is art to me. ;^)
Why do so many folks care about how others spend their money.
Cars, boats, planes, watches, jewelry, audio gear, television, traveling, homes.
In the end, one spends money on what they want to spend money on.
No one is right, no one is wrong.
That is simple math that hopefully everyone can understand.