Finding a matching center channel

Hi guys! I'm building a home theater and bought a pair of Focal Cobalt 816S speakers to be my front left and right. I'm having a lot of trouble finding a matching center channel (The cobalt CC800s), which is understandable given the age of these speakers.

I understand that the Cobalt line has been replaced with the Chorus line. Would a CC700V or CC900 sound comparable? I just don't want my front stage to sound worse because of a non-matching center. the speakers are far enough apart that the 'phantom center' has left me wanting...

Thanks for any advice!

I used to run the Cobalt 806s and center channel in my system a LONG time ago.  The Cobalts used a inverted dome titanium dome tweeter.  The Chorus uses a inverted dome aluminum/magnesium.  I have heard the Chorus a while ago.  I would agree that it is probably your best bet in matching the side channels if you want something right now.  You could try to look for an Electra CC900.  This also uses the Cobalt titanium tweeter as well. 

You could keep looking on ebay.  There was a Cobalt CC800 center that just sold on May 11 for $149 (just missed it!).  Or you could grab a pair of 806s bookshelves and use one for center.

Thanks for the advice! I'm glad to know that there are options.

I Started looking for a center on the 11th, and saw that one on ebay. Decided not to buy it because the grill was a different color then my fronts. By the time i came to my senses it was sold. Oh well, hopefully another will show up soon.

If I can get my hands on a pair of 806s, they'll be pulling duty as surrounds!
i'm still using the cobalts in my bedroom system--as auxinput states, the cc800 pops up regularly on ebay (you can use the function which notifies you when one is listed). the cobalt line (which i've always liked) does have a different signature than the chorus, which i hear as a little brighter and more treble-forward--obsessive as i am i'd wait to get the cc800.