Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade

I had my local dealer hook up a pair of Treos to demo them and left with a very mixed impression. I like the overall sound. They have a smoother, more refined and sophisticated midrange that the 3A Sigs can't match. I want that. But the bass was less defined and the top end was bright. The sibilance was very exaggerated - this was with CD. Is this the character of the Treo? Thanks!
Enjoy the music first !!!!
glad everybody is loving what they have

i do want to clarify a point

moving your speakers does not require you to rerun Vandertones -even tho that is pretty easy - insert cd, and record the 11 band spl and compare to the baseline spl when you initially set the system up.

iF the differences are big you might want to rerun it... or maybe not.

what your ears tell you counts also - don't over equalize or chase perfectly flat with your SPL meter...

of course we could debate having the ability to tune vs just live with whatever the box / room gives ya...

me, I like having an iron but every now and then doing wash and wear...


enjoy ghe music !!!

Great thread everyone....have read it all. I was just introduced to Vandersteen speakers.  Fantastic in my opinion. Unfortunately it was the Sevens and Quatros, which I can't afford!  But, I could afford the Treos or Treo CT, but haven't as yet heard those. I have a store nearby where I can and will audition in the near future (San Diego). 

Question:  I have a Line Magnetic 518ia...22Wpc. Would my integrated amp be adequate to drive the Treos?  I'm not interested in changing out my amp at this time but loved the sound of the Vandersteens I did hear and I'm sure I would like the Treos after reading this discussion (not a big bass head).  Would the Treos even be viable option given my current amp (current speakers are PSB Imagine T2)?  I listen mostly to vinyl (Prime and Lyra Delos through Manley Chinook) -- soft to classic rock, jazz mostly. 

Thanks for any feedback. 
ekimg The Treos are only 85 db efficiency. I have no knowledge about your particular tube amp but even 22 TUBE watts sound a bit lean for the Treos. Perhaps you could take your amp to the dealer to find out?
Agree with @hifiman5 ; just for s&g, try out those 22 tube watts with a pair of Vandersteen 1s.  You'll be surprised by what you get for ~$1250.