Let's Play UpMarket • DownMarket...The audio game

You have an imaginary audio budget of your own choosing.

Will you choose the upmarket component of a modestly priced company, or the downmarket product from an ultra expensive vendor?

Examples from the speaker category.

Upmarket: Vandersteen Seven, Zu Dominance. Both statement products from companies known for selling reasonably priced products.

Downmarket: YT Carmel, Magico V2. Entry level products from upper echelon firms.

Which will be your choice and why?

The trickle down technology from the bleeding edge outfit or the value oriented firm freed from the constraints of cost?

Let's talk sonics and value, rather than resale value.
Ok after round one, we have some great responses and examples.

Round 2 - Any more specific examples people can chime in with would be great.

I may be having some fun with the format of this thread, but who knows, if it gets dozens of responses and examples, maybe some truths or patterns may become apparent that I or anyone else had not anticipated.
Thought I'd revive my old thread and see if new observations come to light, especially as companies like magico have introduced some fantastic lower priced gear. 
I will say (a more budget conscious line which I sell) has created some fantastic higher end products that are stunning, namely the BHK line of electronics from Ps audio.  

Saw this post and was curious.  Was nice to read the first two replies by 2 people who both are missed.
We ,audiophiles, need the ultra high-end and state -of-the-art (SOTA) for its trickle down effect of technology.  Happy Listening!
well, I have at least 2 mid-range items from long established companies, each with a lot of R&D available - and they are both located in Mini-Soda