Lyra Delos Cartridge - Underrated?

I have wanted to buy a destination cartridge for a couple of years now and in this time. In this time I have used 3 cartridges and have research to the point of "paralysis through analysis" and I was almost afraid to buy. What if I spend $2k and don't love what I bought?  Basically my system consists of:

B&W 803S
Musical Fidelity M6prx Amp
ARC LS-27 Pre
ARC PH-8 Phono Pre
Music Hall mmf 9.1 TT
Kimber KCAG Interconnects
AQ Niagara Interconnects
AQ Pikes Peak Biwire
PS Audio power conditioning
Previous Carts:
Denon DL103R modded by Paradox Pulse
Dynavector DV20x2H with Sound Smith ruby cantilever
Lyra Dorian.

I loved the sound of the Denon Cart but I anted more detail and openness. I tried the Dorian and really liked the detail but I missed the warmth and boogie factor of the Denon. I then used the Dynavector and man this very nice but there was a certain darkness or congestion. All three of these carts had strengths and my hope was to get these strengths rolled up into 1 cart.

Enter the Lyra Delos. I have a Dr. Feickert protractor and I am anal about cart set up but for the Delos, I decided to have it professionally set up by Jon at Ultrafi in Milwaukee, WI. where I bought the cart. The reviews that I have read really hammered home how important set up is and Jon at Ultrafi is the guru in my area. I took my turntable to Jon and he set up the cart and I brought it back home last Saturday.

I was expecting the typical break-in period but I was happily amazed at how good the cart sounded with only a few hours on it. This thing is everything I hoped for and more. I cannot find any weakness to this cart and I am happy to say that there is not one standout strength. To me, this is great praise for a cart as it means everything is good. The Delos simply blows away my last carts and I am surprised at how much more I like than I had thought. 58db gain, loaded at 500 and it sings. I won't go into the babble but I can tell you that when I listen now... it is to the music and not to the system. Everything sounds so good now that I am happy and just want to hear music without any thought to what is missing or emphasized.

I am now wondering the following things. Are less than glowing reviews for the Delos due to people not getting these things properly set up or not having a phono pre not up to the task? Are professional reviews influenced by the fact that the Delos is the LEAST expensive cart Lyra makes? If a Delos is "class A" what do they do with a Atlas or Etna?

I would like to hear any opinions if they are out there regarding the Delos from owners that hile or hate them. I know that this is not a new cart but I love it and I cannot recommend Jon and Ultrafi enough. Don't buy a Delos on-line. Get it from the best source and get it professionally set up.


Currently on my third Lyra - this time an Etna. Very realistic indeed. Fast and - to me - a controlled treble and is exceptional on percussion (you can hear the tuning of the drum skins).
I had a Micro Benz - nice cartridge on classical, but I find the Etna a bit more fulfilling as an all-rounder, but it's down to taste at this price bracket.
  Like rossb, I found the Delos fast and lean.  When I first got it I loved it because I wanted extended highs.  But when using my Ayre K-1xe there was a little too much top end, not much at the bottom. Plus it lets one know of any dirt and tiny defects on my vinyl.  Switched out the Ayre with a Modwright LS-100 and that helped some.  Recently bought an Audio Technica AT33Sa and have been happy with this.  No vinyl ticks, just great sound across the board.  Sold the Delos.
It is all relative.   If your system leans towards lean/bright - the Lyra will sound bright.
  Personally I find Benz and the lower level Koetsu coloured, almost like syrup.

 I also prefer the Delos to the Kleos. Almost as if J Carr has tried to make a less neutral revealing cartridge. 
I have a tube phono pre and pre with a solid state amp. I have always liked that combination... I cannot attest to how a Delos would work in a all solid state system. I have never heard an all solid state system that I can listen to long term.
Regarding dirt and defects on a record, I have had the opposite experience. The Lyra Delos is extremely quiet in the groove and ticks and pops that would have been up front with my previous carts are now minimized into the background. I think that this is one of its strengths. Perhaps it is not so much the cart but the ARC LS-27 and PH-8 combo that is doing the job. Perhaps using sub a $3k phono preamp or anything solid state is causing the groove noise and glare? I know that when I had a Project Phono Box RS it was good but always too bright and etched no matter what carts, setup or tweaks I threw at it.