Need Amp Advice

Hey guys,

New member here but music lover for many years.
I am looking to upgrade my amps to get better sound quality and really need some help. I watch movies and listen to music daily. I would say in general, 70/30 (movies 70). I run a 5.1 setup and plan on upgrading to 7.1.4 in the future, but happy with 5.1 at the moment.
When I listen to music I only use the 802's (no sub and no multichannel music).

Currently, my setup is:

Main speakers: B&W 802D (first Diamond)
Center: B&W HTM2D
Surrounds: Klipsch
Sub: Klipsch

Marantz AV8802A

Emotiva XPA-1 monoblock x2 for the main speakers 
Emotiva XPA-3 Gen 3 for the center and surrounds

The sounds is good, it's actually more than good but I want it to be even better. I have been looking at many used amps (can not afford new ones) and wanted to ask for your opinion on the following that I have considered. I have not heard any of them with my speakers.

1. Classe CM-A600 monoblocks 
2. McIntosh MC501 monoblocks
3. I even looked at the Devialet 200 which was recommended by someone I know
4. Krell?

Do those amps make sense? Am I looking at a noticeable improvement over the Emotivas? I would love to hear from people who know and heard those amps, especially driving 802's.
I am of course open to any other suggestions as well.

Thank you in advance!


I have B&W Diamond Gen 2 for left/center/right and I'm driving them with Emotiva's.  The Emotiva XPA amps are very good for the money, but they are kind of bright/harsh stock.  If you want to improve things without a lot of money, I'd say put some upgraded fuses in your Emotiva monoblocks.  Since you have a warm signature from the Marantz processor, I'd go with Furutech fuses to increase the bass punch and overall resolution.  The XPA-1 monoblocks have two 10amp 5x20 fuses (on bottom plate) and two 1amp 5x20 fuses inside under the top cover.  The Gen 3 amps uses circuit breakers, so no fuse upgrades for that (and I cannot comment on how it compares to old gen XPA-1 amps).

As far as amps go, I'm not sure I would go with McIntosh unless you want that really laid back sound (you already have a warm signature from the Marantz).

Classe is very good.  Krell can be good, but it depends.  You're looking in the right area.  Need a really strong high current amp with big power supply for the B&W speakers.  Maybe get another XPA-1 for center channel (if you think the XPA-1 are better than XPA Gen 3).

I would look for a used Modwright kwa 150se, the classe maybe,
i would'nt go for the McIntosh of any kind unless you like slow laid back,boring to me Sound.

You do need a really strong high current amp with a big pwr supply for your speakers.

All the emotiva's are just ok for the money and I don't have much experience with krell,Lot's of really good amps out there it might depend on your budget.

Best of luck to you,

Welcome Killergurt

Assuming that budget isn't a consideration, then a very obvious solution for 2-channel stereo would be a pair of the CA-M600s and also add a CP-800 (utilizing HT-Bypass) for all of your 2-channel music sources.

This setup is actually how the speakers are voiced and why you see so many dealer demos set up this way.

Another option would be one of the Classe Processors to replace your Marantz but Classe tends to move very slowly in keeping up with the industry in terms of video and audio formats so not an option I would pursue.

Assuming that you go with the first option, next I would look to get some B&W surrounds to replace your Klipsch and probably avoid using a sub at all for music.  If you've ever heard the kind of bass that the 802s are capable of with serious current pushing them you would likely agree.


McIntosh and B&W is known to be best match especially if you're willing to stretch at least $4k extra after you sell your Emotiva.

For theater, I value Sunfire TGA as the best performance per dollar spent.