Best interconnect burn-in method

I think I know the answer to this, but I just wanted to double check with everyone.  I am in the process of burning in an XLR interconnect.  The interconnect is between the DAC and the integrated amp.  I am using a laptop as the source, and it is connecting via USB cable to the DAC.  Is it true that I am still burning in the XLR IC if I leave the integrated amp turned off while playing music continuously on my laptop with the DAC turned on?  Thank you for your input.

What if  the creator continues to create and we call the small part we grasp
evolution ?
Sometimes to create you must first destroy.

...but, nowdays, more-likely, every time you want to create something, you must destroy same you're actually 'creating' to 'make room' and than  claim that to your name.

It looks like all Creator does is destroying already created recursively and than creating it again and again. So where can you find yourself?


And you may find yourself
Living in a shotgun shack
And you may find yourself
In another part of the world
And you may find yourself
Behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house
With a beautiful wife
And you may ask yourself, well
How did I get here?


Isn't THAT once in a lifetime or ... ?

Unless a person understands science they have only un-informed opinions.

Science by its nature is poised to create as much as possible those un-informed or diverse opinions called HYPOTHESIS. Only math can straighten out all hypothetical opinions in one unique making HYPOTHESIS a proven scientific FACT.

Unless person starts plugging in numbers into scientific formula(s), the given hypothesis will always be in ’hibernation’ creating points of forum discussions...

So randy-11, please share your wisdom on what it takes to understand science and why do you think that posters here have ’un-informed opinions’?