Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade

I had my local dealer hook up a pair of Treos to demo them and left with a very mixed impression. I like the overall sound. They have a smoother, more refined and sophisticated midrange that the 3A Sigs can't match. I want that. But the bass was less defined and the top end was bright. The sibilance was very exaggerated - this was with CD. Is this the character of the Treo? Thanks!
hifiman5 -- yes I will have to take my amp in and see how the Treos respond since he does not carry LM gear.  Thanks for the suggestion. 

cedargrove -- if he has the 1s I'll try those too...thanks. 
Ekimg, go talk to Bruce the owner. I used to buy from him in the 80's when I was in the Navy.  Just sold my Stax Lambda's he sold me, lol.  Even had the original box and receipt, lol.  He's a master at room set up also.  Yes, bring in the amp as tubes can push a lot of current at times and that's the important thing along with your room size and listening habits.  

The Treo CT's are the way to go IF you can afford them.  They are a great value purchase in high end audio and then you can add two Vandersteen subs later on and you have about 90% of the Quatro's, plus you can place the subs in a different spot if needed and dial them in.  I know a few who have done this as their upgrade path and been happy overall.  Also, keep in mind you can upgrade and have them painted if you want. It's an uncharge, but they will do any color you want, lol.  They newest 3 signatures are really great if you love rock as they can move a lot of air.  You will listen and hear for yourself.  Trust your own ears and not what many of us tell you on the boards and have fun.  
I agree....
Treo's sound thin & harsh to me
even with subs
and I have Thiel speakers that are supposed to be bright

I've listen to all sorts of amplication with them
and all cases; yuck


The Treo CT & sub

That is a different animal 
sweet, full very nice 

All the changes , just for a " Tweeter"
Give the CT version of Treo or Quattro a listen and see what you think

my opinion

Jeff, I think that many feel the Treo is thin, because it won't move as much air as a 3 or some other speakers.  What it is, is the entry into a higher resolution speaker.  I personally had it move plenty of air in my room and it never sounded thin. I also use an Ayre AX-5/20 and a QX5/20 with a TOP server (best I've heard), lol.  I got plenty of deep bass and it was tuneful.  Even on electronic music it was plenty deep in my room in my system.  I do understand that some feel that they want more air moved, so subs is a great deal as Treo is a full range speaker and the subs work great.
Ct. You said Treo Ct's with subs gives you about 90% of the Quattro's. I think its more  like 94.67892%.......