Preamp with Tuner

I was finally able to buy an amplifier (via Audiogon) that I think is worthy of the speakers I picked up on Audiogon a while back. My challenge now is finding a preamp with a built-in tuner. I connected my old integrated Harman Kardon via the preouts to the amp, which was a bad idea as I cannot control the volume. I can't seem to find many preamps with a built in tuner. Folks seem to think I'm crazy to want a tuner, but it's what we do in our house first thing when we wake up, flip the radio on for news/background. The only other feature we utilize is connecting our phones/tablets via blue tooth to stream music that way. 
So far... 
Amp: Emotiva SA-250
Speakers: Silverline Audio Sonatina MkIV

I've been eyeing the Emotiva PT-100, which appears to have everything I'm looking for, but wanted to check with the gurus here about whether there are others I should consider? Like I said, can't seem to find modern preamps with a tuner. 

Thank you! 
They are rare b/c usual practice is to try and isolate RF stages - so the tuner is usually put in a sep. box as one moves up the SQ chain of components.

another option is to get a receiver and use the pre outs to drive a bigger amp
I'll take a look at those Adcoms and some separate preamp/tuners. I've also seen some older NAD's that could work.

"another option is to get a receiver and use the pre outs to drive a bigger amp"
This was plan "A", but I don't seem to be able to control the volume. Nearly lost an eardrum with the volume turned all the way down as I turned everything on. I'm researching why this isn't working, but wanted to see what other solutions are out there.
The PT-100 seems like a good contender at $300.
Quite a few receivers have pre-amp outs.  You just have to be careful to not use the tape out.
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