Amps Atma-Sphere M-60 Mono blocks OTL design

I just purchased a used OTL Atma-Sphere M-60 mono blocks that I have sent to Atma-Sphere to be upgraded to the current model 3.3 and I also added the option of a higher quality power supply and V caps.

I have sold my old trusted Eggleston Andra 2’s speakers and have built some monitors using Aurum Cantus ribbons (102db) and Aurum Cantus midwoofers (90db) that are both rated as 8 ohm nominal. I have a DEQX Premate and will be crossing over to (2) JL Audio F-113 subs at 80hz.

Currently I am using a solid state high power stereo amp (Pass Labs) that I used with the Andra 2’s.

The Atma-Sphere M-60 is rated at 60 watts class A and is said to work better with higher impedance loads.

It will probably be a few weeks until I get the M-60 and was hoping someone could provide opinions of what to expect.

I listen to late 60 early 70’s classic rock music mostly. Sometimes loud.


Driving easier speaker loads (high impedance) should be beneficial for all types of amplifiers and not limited to just tube power amplifiers.
+1  It continues to amaze me how many people don't get this basic fact!
I've said it before, and I guess I'll say it again: For lovers of Magneplanar speakers, there is another magnetic-planar that is much better suited for use with tube amps---the Eminent Technology LFT-8b. It's nominal impedance is 8 ohms, but the m-p drivers themselves are a resistive 11-12 ohm load. Bi-amp (or even passively bi-wire) them with a tube amp on top and ss on bottom (for the 8" sealed box woofer, which operates via a 1st order-6dB/octave x/o from 180Hz down), and you won't miss your Maggies at all. Actually, many who have heard both prefer the ET's, even if they run them with a ss amp.


Does the usage of the Zero’s draw more AC current? That is in monthly energy cost?

I ask this because the M-60's meters move a little now.


There is always way  to design an OTL without using the ZERO,an OTL with  output transformer?? 
If you want my opinion on someone who owns the M60, The New Nirvana OTL Amp from Atma-Sphere and the MP3 as well as the MP-1.

Their is nothing that comes close to OTL Sound when paired with the right speaker your more or less at the end of your journey. These amps will give you transparency that only more expensive Solid state amps can achieve. A Sound which is neither Tobey or SS. Goose bumps during listening and a feeling of being their at a live event. Iv exchanged audio gear for the past 20 years and when I heard OTL nothing ever seems the same or sounds good enough. Speed, PRAT, Expansive Soundstage, Emotional Feelings, Live Sound, Transparency. The Amplifier just sounds like it does not exist. Their is hardly any colouration or distortion.

Personally i think Ralph sells his gear too cheap, the only gripe with OTL is they need to be paired with a good Speaker but their are alot of options on the market and if you cant find one suitable then the Zero can help you out.