Duelund DCA16GA

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone have try this cable? I have never try the original WE cable but I want to buy this cable for my speaker. Other candidate is supra cable.

Can someone give some feedback?

Thank you all for your input.  I would like to know whom if any one has terminated the Dueland 12 awg , and if so, with which connectors. Thanks in advance

I have 12 awg as speaker cables, but bare cable connections to the Analysis Audio Epsilon speakers that are 4 ohms and not very sensitives. 
In my system they are keepers. The music is more authoritative and builds on a better foundation. Same density of sound that seems so characteristic of these cables.
Burn in can be a bit longer than 16 awg.
Bare wire is best by far! By far. All terminations degrade sound and if you can go with the bare wire you will get a nice jump in sound quality. 
I have terminated many of the WE wires (same tinned copper type wire) and prefer soldered connections for the tinned wire because the tinned coating melts resulting in a more direct contact with the underlying copper.
Although some prefer no connectors, I am skeptical that the absence of connectors can be easily heard given that the speaker cables typically connect to two binding posts and the signal travels through a bunch of other solder joints in typical amplifiers and speaker cross-overs.  I prefer connectors for convenience.
I like the Cardas GRS copper spades but couldn't find them in a search of vendors this morning.  Another good option is to use the Cardas copper jumpers and cut off the link section resulting in two spades that you can solder directly to.  Use some thick, adhesive-lined heat shrink for a stiff and well-protected connection/termination.
I have tried bare vs. connectors of varying types with WE and Duelund 16GA  (haven't tried 12 GA yet).

I prefer bare.  There is a purity to the sound that I like.  Various connectors flavored the sound, making things different, but not necessarily better.