8K for a one-time listen?

As someone who can appreciate the potential value of $20K speaker wires in an appropriate system, this is over the top, even for me.  Devialet is issuing recordings on actual lacquer for $7900, but the kicker is - they can only be listened to ONCE.  And the lacquer wears away.  All I can say is - Actually, I have nothing to say.  
Here it is in case you wish to indulge. 

I wonder how these would sound on my old Spiderman turntable.
Seriously though, would one make a good investment, to positively soak the hell out of the same well-healed types that could afford one in the first place?
Not that I have any animus toward the wealthy.
Hey, mitch, y'know....you're absolutely right.  This joint needs a 'decompression room' of sorts....

"Have you heard the one about the TT that blew up after playing this 'special record"?

It'd be Great....bring your own tinfoil hat...;)
Ya gotta laugh at 'some' of 'this stuff'....Really....

I've never seen puddles get so deep.....'till I came to AG. *L*

I've been waiting to see if one of the 'cable discussions' erupts into a bomb threat or the like....'touchy, touchy, woooo....' ;)
So............do you know anyone who actually bought one on these? In that case ..........may I take a selfie with that person? 

Then I can have the selfie picture framed nicely, and invite all of you to look at the picture, and charge you merely $5 for that i.e. to witness a piece of history..........oh btw........I will provide a complimentary 6oz soda and 2oz popcorn while you look at the picture :)
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