As a pro mastering and vinyl cutting studio, we master on these lacquers daily. They sound great, but if the 8k lacquers being sold are the transfers off the original recording then 1. they can be listened to more than once (though not as much as vinyl) and 2. the cost price including labour to make these is more than a factor of 10 cheaper than 8k, so we really don't understand how they are charging so much, even if they have chosen to make a one-off transcript only. It is hard to believe they would be selling the original lacquer from years back when first recorded, as these would be museum pieces and therefore priceless, especially given they are big name jazz artists. Also, if they have gone to vinyl press, the lacquers become destroyed in the process, so wouldn't exist in playable form. We have met these guys and like them, but something doesn't sound right here/story not complete.