solid state power amps, golden oldies

What solid state power amps have stood the test of time? No older than 1980 and no newer than 1990. What amps, if introduced today, would still be given positive reviews? I believe that exceptional remains exceptional, regardless of time. Better older and exceptional than new and mediocre.
A nice little system I had in the 80's included PSE's Series 5 mono amps. Nice sounding amps for right around $2k. I don't think they're in biz anymore....could be wrong.
Citation 16a they last forever if you take care of them I have 2 driving B&W 804 sounds wonderful.
Brown Electronics Lab BEL 1001                Bedini 150/150                                              Robertson 4010                                              Quatre Gain Cell                                              Quad 303, 405, and 50's modded                GAS Son of Ampzilla                                      Electron Kinectics Eagle 2A                        Perreaux 1250B                                              Spectro Acoustics 500                                  Phase Linear 400                                            Hafler 220                                                        Acoustat TNT                                                  SAE Mk XXXI                                                  Belles Model 1 and 2                                    NYAL Moscode 150                                      I presently (June '17) own all of the above amps! They are in use with vintage speakers: DCM Time Windows, SpeakerLab 7's, JBL 166's, Altec Santana's and Stonehenge's, KLH 6's, AR 2A's, Snell Type A 3's, E's and J's, Rectilinear III's and Mini III's, AR 4's, Walsh Sound Cylinders, Quad 57's              KLH Nines, Rogers LS3/5A's