Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
Must ha must have written the last post all jacked up on Ambien and Norcos...lol

Feeling good and ready to go to the show, I will get all the info and Chanel all that
to you my friends. 

More in eight hours (or so)......🇸🇪
(...10 hours later he was found by hotel security in one of the closets in an unknown demo room with a pair of headphones on.  The clue to his location was by following the cord from the equipment, which had been turned off awhile back.  He seemed unaware of that fact, humming to music only he could hear...)

Is anyone in your family an audioholic?  Do you know the signs of this condition?  Do you know the number of our nationwide hotline to call for help when your loved one is exhibiting these signs?

1-888-866-5683...that's 1-888-TOO-LOUD

Let us help you turn it down....;)
We're a non-profit organization, subsisting on donated equipment from families working to cure this tragic disabling condition.  Our small warehouse has been filled with all manner of items sent to us to thwart this condition, as the only real cure seems to be the 'cold amp' approach.  This has been compared to the 'cold turkey' scenario used for smokers, alcoholics, addicts, and 'binge television watchers'.

When we receive your donation, we will FedEx a strait jacket and a mouth gag ball to help your loved one cope with their 'new reality'.

Someone had to start.  We provide the 'off switch'.
...and be sure to visit our companion website:


"If we don't have it, we can get it...eventually..."
Just saw Jerrys explanation of what he sees in the mirror....lol

Very tired, saw a lot of stuf, but wasn't overwhelmed. As soon as I arrived I ran in to my friends that owns Possitivefeedback.com 
Sat down and shot the breeze until they had to go to the room.
As I was having lunch at the bar counter I ran into David Saltz the owner of WireWorld cables. We had a great time bitching about politics which is always fun. 
Stopped in to a bunch of rooms, and if the audio doesn't draw me in
within 30 seconds...bye bye. I found a lot of the bigger multi gazillion
what ever with amplifiers the size of big ice chests the worst. 
I loved the little Legacy with the French metronome electronics absolutely fantastic. GamuT small book shelves sounded so sweet and gorgeous. The Book shelf Raido bang on and I would love to have a set. The smallest Yg acoustics sounded great, kind of funny when an older gentleman sitting in front of me bitching about the aluminum construction. Telling me that no cello was made from aluminum ever......what ever, it sounded great.  Heard a few Wilsons
but walked out after 30 seconds, none of hem appealed to me.
There was this Japanese company with a weird name but such sweet lovely sounding field coil speakers, room was packed and I can see why as they sounded right.....wow.
I expected to have my ears blown out within 10 minutes, but most
rooms kept the volume in check.
Amother very impressive speaker is the very large bookshelf speakers (on stand) PMC's very dynamic with bassthat surprised.
I never heard about Einstein speakers and electronics played on first class vinyl, again wonderful presentation in a smaller package.
Green mountain openback dipoles sounded so bright I had to leave.
Zu Audio the same no sweetness and they used a Firstwatt F6 and vinyl. I finally got stuck chatting with an old friend in the business
and then it was time to go home. If I forgot something and I'll have some images I'll put it up on Sunday.....

1:01am.......time for some sleep.......🇸🇪