Speaker jumpers

I have a pair of 805 Diamonds with the stock jumpers in place.Has anybody replaced these with upgraded jumper wires and got better sound?Do you think it would make a noticeable improvement?Factory jumpers look pretty wimpy for expensive speakers.Thanks!
Save yourself money and time, and enjoy your speakers. I own a pair of modest B&W speakers and their components quality is very good. Otherwise you can also question the connectors, the speaker cables, the preamp to amp cables, wall connectors, and so on, all the way to the transmission lines from the power generation plant. Invest on the basic components that speakers, amp, and reproduction sources.
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@fsilahua - it's funny, I wondered about all those parts in my modest system, spent some time and a small amount of money to DIY upgrade them, and was rewarded with a significant improvement in sound.

It is pure folly to stress about whether or not your system and its parts are good enough. That way ends in a neurotic vortex of anxiety.

But a healthy curiosity and a desire to experiment can be incredibly fun and improve your system to boot. That said, just because some of us like messing about doesn't mean that you can't just enjoy your music reproduction system as it stands. Just decide what you 'want' from this hobby and gravitate towards those that share your values. It doesn't mean anyone is right or wrong, it's just that this is supposed to be fun, so if there's an aspect you're interested in, chat with those who have explored that area and take all the naysayers with a grain of salt. Many if them haven't even experimented with what they are knocking down.
Yes,it is fun trying different things to see what works!I just used a left over AQ sub 3 cable on a p.o.s. subwoofer I have in a garage system,was a big upgrade!The sub almost sounds respectable!(almost)!