Has anyone listened to Legacy speakers?

I have seen several ads. and read bits and pieces of info. from Legacy. However, being in the military I haven't had the chance to make it to a show to listen to these speakers. I would like to hear your comments, good or bad. I believe my ears will make the final determination, but are they worth giving a listen? Thanks.
Owned a pair of the Focus. They could not touch My Apogee Mini Grands. So i sold them! Infact, none of the so called dynamic speakers that i have tried have been able to come close.
I own a pair of Legacy Whispers and have discovered many good and bad things about all of Legacy's speaker offerings and their design guidlines.

The good news:
Legacy's speakers seem to offer more bang for the buck in terms of thier quality of drivers, than anyone else out there. Additionaly, when you buy Legacys used, you really seem to be getting the most bang for the buck. I know of no other speaker manufacturer that offers more air moving bass
ability for the money.

The bad news:
Legacy has really blown it on a couple of design errors, which drastically effect the overall performance of their speakers. Most of their speakers are wired with horrible sounding green wiring, that looks like the original monster cable wire from 1981! (except in a green semi transparent jacket). I personally purchaced some of this wire from Legacy, to determine how it may be limiting my own personal speakers. To say that it was worse sounding than I ever imagined, is an understatement. With this in mind, you can tell that Legacy does not do their homework to refine their speaker designs.Additionaly, they are also a bit behind on understanding High end digital. Many of their shows, and even at their factory they demo their speakers with an extremely meager sounding Pioneer CD player, that has all of the typical difital problems (grainy highs, limited sound stage depth and mechanical sounding bass). They also use that horrible Green wire, hooked up to their speakers.

The above aformentioned oversights leads me to believe that Legacy is not truley aware of high end sound capabilites, and the various sonic refinements associated with carefull component and wire selection .

As a tweaker though, you can really "go to town" (as stated in another post) with a Legacy designed speaker. I think of it as a unfinished "platform", which with the design oversights fixed, cannot be touched at the price which they cost. (Remember, the drivers and the cabinets are first rate, so you have alot of "good" to work with).

This is my opinion and experience with Legacy. Think of them as good guys that just could produce killer products,
if they just were a little more informed.
Thanks for the honest "review". Given the fact that you are an owner of their top of the line model, i would consider your point of view to be worth more than someone who does not own any of their products ( me, for example ). The "funny" thing is that both of our thoughts and findings run parallel to each other almost to a "T".

Something else that i forgot to mention is that the models that i have worked on / looked at had the mids and woofers "flush mounted" but the tweeters and supertweeters weren't. I found this VERY strange and believe that correcting this could REALLY smooth out the upper mids and treble. This may be what is causing some of the "peakiness" or "glare" that some people complain about with this product line.

Out of curiousity, have you rewired the speakers internally and if so, what did you use ??? Sean
Just wondering, what type of wire did you change to in your speaker? If you did change wire, what sonic changes did you notice. I own a pair of their Focus and was thinking of upgrading the internal wire myself.