Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
Perhaps I did not explain correctly. I like to hear from people who actually own same speakers for a long time & their stories. I'm not asking for the best speakers you ever heard.
I don't know how much good this will do you since Apogee is no longer in business but... I've had my Stages for nine years and can't think of a reason, besides lightning, to replace them.

Perhaps Sean can help too. It seems like rather than change components, he builds new systems. :-)


I've owned a pair of Proac 3.5's for 4 years. I still have them and still like them. They are always musically involving and have zero istening fatigue. During that time I've listened to the 2.5's, 3.8's, 4.0's and 5's. The 3.8's are probably closest in sound to the 3.5's, but are a little drier. I've never had a problem of any sort with them.

However, if I was looking for new speakers today, I would probably go with Sonus Faber Guaneris or Amatis--which I have heard but do not own. Like the Proacs they are musically beautiful--but they look better.

Good luck!
I bought my first pair of Harbeth P3 mini-monitors in 1994, sold them in 1998 and bought a pair of Harbeth HL Compact 7s, which I promise you I will never sell. Lots of reviews available so I won't bore you. To me they are completely characterless in tonality and produce real life-like macro and micro dynamics.
I have had QUAD ESLs since the late 70s. I have actually given some of my pairs away as gifts during this time but have always had a pair. These of course are the so-called 57s. I find as electronics improve eg. Pass amplifiers, they get better sounding. I use surge protection on them and have had the latest electronic protection mods done to isolate them as much as possible from electrical faults, thus hopefully increasing their longevity.