Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
For 25 years, I have been listening to a good old JBL speaker until last year.
I'm not an upgrade fever patient as you are. I would like to buy the BEST audio equipment, to my ears, within a budget, and keep it for a while. So, I researched for a year and came up with few lists of speakers.

1) B&W Nautilus series (801 - 805) speakers.
2) Revel speakers.
3) Wilson Audio Puppy.
4) Dunlavy speakers.

Any of these speakers are truly the "speakers to hang on for life" but, to select just one among these speakers, I used following criteria:

1) Electrical specification. BTW, I am an electronic engineer.
2) Mechanical design.
2) Sound. I used classic and jazz music.
3) Company's reputation.

The final winner is B&W N802. I would like to say a lot about this speaker but you should auditioned the speaker and judge it yourself.
The B&W N802 is the "speaker to hang on for life" for me.
Great thread guys. Agree with the above poster about the
N802's. What make you choose this speaker over the Revel Studio's ?
There continues to be technical advancement in speaker design that improves sound quality. You will exclude newer designs offering better performance from consideration if you only hear from people who have had their speakers a long time. You might want to solicit opinions on speaker brands that have consistently been top performers and see what people think of their newer products. I owned a pair of ADS speakers for 13 years, replaced them with a pair of Dynaudio Confidence 3s 1 1/2 years ago and I'm totally satisfied with their performance.
There are many speakers out there that I probably would have held onto but none as happily as Quad ESL 63s. The only thing I've changed in 15 years with them was to obtain a crosby modified pair about 8 years ago. I have not heard the new versions and the Quads as do all speakers have certain limitations. That said, I'd buy another pair if I were looking today.
Both B&W N802 and Revel Studio are great speakers but
I choose the N802 because:

1) The N802 sound slightly more natural and better soung stage than Revel studio.
2) I like the design and craftsmanship of N802.