Help me to choose turntable below 1600$.

Audio components -
Fostex TH900 - WA7
Price: Below 1600$.
Genres: Electronic/Metal

It's interesting. I read a review of the "new" Technics 1200 DD turntable. It seemed the reviewer liked a Well Tempered Labs turntable just a little bit more. hmmm. A somewhat less expensive table than a Technics with a lot of the Rega's table characteristics save the arm. If you diehard technics guys think so much of their 'tables, maybe you should check out the Well Tempered Labs Amadeus Mk. 2. You just might get a revelation.... 
So, everything say rega will be perfect, but it costs just 800$, so I think that technics will be a little bit better.
Marantz TT15 - merely a rebadged Clearaudio turntable with an $800 cartridge. I think it's being discounted now below the $1600 I paid for it a couple of years ago.