Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
I owned a pair of Spica TC-50's for six years. They were wonderful speakers. I sold them to a friend when I moved from Minnesota in 94. He still has them.
I've been using Kenleigh LSM 2's (Logical Series Monitors) for some 4 years, before that Kenleigh FFM (Focus Field Monitors) of different cabinetry for the balance of ten years. 8" driver w/Horn-Loaded ribbon. They are extremly detailed. You can see them at www.rossexchange.com

I've had them on both SS and Tubes. My current set-up includes ARC SP6 to a pair of Sound Valve M-40 Tube monoblocks. Previously an Acurus RL-11 thru a Hafler XL-280. The Kenleigh's are rather efficient @ 91db and fill my 15 x 22 room quite nicely for CD, anolog and TV/Laser. I have been getting some very strange looks from my bro-in-law (fellow 'phile) for many years now, usually of amazement as though he is hearing something that he's not heard before.

Good luck in your quest. I hope I've been helpfull.
Jon Tiffin
I'm another person taken with the Apogee Stages. I've built my system around them and they keep doing it for me. I too am tri-amping them. While other components come and go, the Stages stay. The only other component that has hung around longer is my Reference Line pre-amp. However, there IS that pair of EPI 100s I've had languishing in the basement since college.....
Quad:ESL-63, ESL-989
Avalon acoustics: Eidolon
Master designs which have or will stand the test of time.
We had a set of Magnepan Tympani I-D's for about twenty years. Finally, decided to look around. After nine months and many auditions later bought a pair of Wisdom Audio M-75's. The factory calls them an "heirloom product". I think they're right. My daughter will eventually inherit them. I will never sell them.