@mitch4t you can still run balanced lines if you want. For something like this I’ve run the preamp into a set of line transformers at the preamp end, run the balanced cables can converted back to single ended using line transformers at the other end. You get a lot more resolution than you do running long speaker cables!
Of course if all the amps are built in to the same box this means you will have to get an additional set of amps for the rear channels.
Since that may not be practical there is another option which is often used in public address, which is to use transformers at the output of the amplifiers to convert to a much higher voltage. Then you run the speaker cables and convert back at the speaker end to the regular voltage. Take a look at this link:
Of course if all the amps are built in to the same box this means you will have to get an additional set of amps for the rear channels.
Since that may not be practical there is another option which is often used in public address, which is to use transformers at the output of the amplifiers to convert to a much higher voltage. Then you run the speaker cables and convert back at the speaker end to the regular voltage. Take a look at this link: