Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
I wish, I still had my old Servo-Static panels, especially for their tweeter elements. Sigh....
EPOS ES14! Absolute stunning sound, incredible sound stage, luscious mid-range, voices, especially female, are spectacular sounding. I have owned quite a few pair of speakers in the past. Martin Logan Aries i, SL3s, Polk Audio, KEF, Pro-Arc, Dynaudio, Klipsch, Naim. The Epos have put them all to shame, regardless of the price and size. People seem to have the idea programmed in their heads-that the more the speaker costs the better it sounds! I heard a pair of Wilson Watt\Puppies played through a KRELL FPB 600 and I had to bite a hole in my lip to keep from laughing! What a sucker punch to pay the price for all that equipment and have that kind of sound come out. I have a modest system that if you blindfolded yourself and listened to the two, you would save yourself enough money to buy a decent automobile!! The only problem with these speakers have, is finding them!
I still have a pair of B&W DM7's. I bought them new 23 years ago. They are not in my main system but I still listen and enjoy them. My other speakers are from Avalon and I plan on never getting rid of them. If you haven't heard the Avalon line please check them out they are incredible.
Dahlquist DQ 30i. Had them for about 15 years and to my ear still wonderfull. There are probably better speakers but price does make some difference. It is nearly impossible to find DQ30's but DQ 20's are readily available (as are the most famous DQ 10's) for around $400. In fact I bought some DQ 20's recently to put in a secondary small room. Great value.