Just trying to keep the thread alive. (once every 3 years?)
I love my new-to-me I32!
I love my new-to-me I32!
Why so little Primare gear on A'gon? Bad rep?
Jafant, Have you heard that there is now an I35 with new UFPD 2, a DAC and wireless yada yada? https://www.whathifi.com/news/primare-launches-i15-i35-amps-and-cd35-player |
I've got a D30.2 CD player. I've tested it against a Exemplar modded Denon 2900. It actually sounds nicer to my ears than the Denon, not by much, but I'm one who doesn't really prefer the 'vinyl' sound. Plus my speakers have a sweet vinyl appeal to them already. (Dali helicon 400's) I also compared it to a Marantz CD 6006. Blew it out of the water! I had just bought the Marantz new thinking it would be my main machine. Now it sounds tinny to me...not rich like the Primare. I had them all connected to my Parasound Halo integrated amp. I duped my test CD thrice, so I could A/B/C them while sitting in my chair using the remote. God it was fun doing it that way. |