Anyone Using Crystals?

Are any members using crystals in their systems? If so, how are you using them to get good results?
BTW! Geoffkai, I missed your double blinded and most scientific studies snarky response. Are you anti science or just be difficult. Hard to be an audiophile and anti science at the same time. The former is entirely contingent on the latter in our world.
Negative ions (as in air fresheners) attach to dust particles causing them to fall out of the air. The good news is the air is cleaner, the bad news is there are more dust particles on everything. Thunderstorms also do this, although indoor thunderstorms seem extreme and perhaps should be avoided ("Bob, why is the cat smoldering?").

That's very good, Wolfie. 🙄

I’m not sure I understand what you’re trying to say. What exactly are you claiming is "scientifically impossible?" Be careful, don’t use the old Appeal to Authority on me. It won’t work. I’ve been immunized. Besides, we already have people here whose mission is protecting naive audiophiles from unscrupulous shysters and ensuring the Laws of Science are not sullied.
Northernescape - Geoff just likes to be difficult and often snarky. But, in the long run, he’s a good guy. If you have thin skin or hold onto grudges, you’ll never get to the long run.

As far as double blind for audio.. that gets difficult because it takes a while to really hear what a system is doing. I’ve changed things and noticed a difference at first, but sometimes it takes a few weeks to truly understand what that difference is and if it’s an improvement. How you would design a double blind test that takes that into account, I don’t know.

I don’t believe I’m being difficult. I am after the truth, which can be both difficult and painful. I did not fall off the turnip truck yesterday when it comes to either science or audio.