Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
I've owned the original Newform Research R8-2-30's from Sep/93. Several times I've threathened to sell them but I've resisted the urge. There are handsomer speakers but these things just make music. Stereokarter, I hear what you"re saying. Regards.
Avid 103 and Proac Super Tablettes
I have lurked in this forum and audioasylum for about 8 months. But had to respond to this thread. I own a pair of Avid 103's purchased in 1974 from a dealer in Connecticut and Super Tablettes since 1987. The Avid's I lent to my son and he used them for about 3 years. I now have them back. No there not great but not bad either. The Proac's are light on base but image wonderfully.
Recently I purchased B&W N805's, which really opened my eyes to what I may have been missing. I love these speakers. The main reason for these speakers is I wanted to buy from a company that will be around for a long time (this is important to me). Some companies are here today and gone tomorrow, they may be good, but I feel no conection with them.
Dynaudio Confidence 3's - even if I venture into bigger or different speakers some day, I imagine that I will keep these and use them somewhere in my house. They are really an incredible, full sound in a relatively small package.
Saw spica tc-60 on sale(AA was it?)now you can own those a life time and if audio expenditures cause a divorce,they can be carried in-hand.
Apogee Scintilla, biwired in 1 ohm configuration, obliged
me since '88/89 to continuously improve all the other components and cables. And what a rewarding journey it was! As JA said in his review at the time, these speakers
were ahead of their times and waiting for the electronics to get up to the chalenge. They were also called the speakers for the most adventurous type out there - Indiana
Jones like. I second that. If you realy want to get involved with your gear grab a pair for the giveaway prices that they are occasionaly offered nowadays...and start the journey.