Apogee Scintilla, biwired in 1 ohm configuration, obliged
me since '88/89 to continuously improve all the other components and cables. And what a rewarding journey it was! As JA said in his review at the time, these speakers
were ahead of their times and waiting for the electronics to get up to the chalenge. They were also called the speakers for the most adventurous type out there - Indiana
Jones like. I second that. If you realy want to get involved with your gear grab a pair for the giveaway prices that they are occasionaly offered nowadays...and start the journey.
me since '88/89 to continuously improve all the other components and cables. And what a rewarding journey it was! As JA said in his review at the time, these speakers
were ahead of their times and waiting for the electronics to get up to the chalenge. They were also called the speakers for the most adventurous type out there - Indiana
Jones like. I second that. If you realy want to get involved with your gear grab a pair for the giveaway prices that they are occasionaly offered nowadays...and start the journey.