Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil

  •  I'm looking at some porcelain cable lifters to get some power and speaker cable up off the floor.  Does raising the cables off the floor really make a difference? It's going to be about 200 bucks for 10 of them. Thanks.  
So....I have 10' long cable going from my amp to my spkrs.  Back in the day, due to logistics, my rack was closer to my left spkr than my right resulting in the cable to the right not touching the floor while the left needed to be coiled, obviously lying on the floor.  I used to ponder this 'cable elevator' tweek wondering whether, due to my layout, should one spkr sound 'different' than the other since one cable was 'elevated' while the other wasn't.  So I switched my preamp to mono and actually sat down to listen to each speaker separately.  I'm sure it won't surprise anyone that this most un-scientific of experiments resulted in zip, zero, nada, bupkus!;)  Since than I've moved and have less space for the rig, so the spkrs are closer together resulting in both cables being coiled.
anyone who thinks that the carpet the cable rests on acts like an additional dielectric cannot do math
Anyone who thinks that electric static fields and vibration don't affect the audio signal in cables is naive.

I, like shadorne, thought of saving empty bathroom tissue rolls, gluing them together (with some in the middle cut shorter, to create a channel for the ic's, speaker cables, and power cords), and painting them black or brown (black to match the cables, brown to match the floor). In a house of three, it's amazing how fast the rolls pile up. Paper towel rolls would be taller, but we don't use that many of them.
Anyone who thinks that electric static fields and vibration affect the audio signal in cables is naive and does not understand quantitative effects.

If someone tells you otherwise, use Google to find his idiotic web site.

And.. Anyone who thinks that electric static is a real term doesn't even have the 9th grade education to use the word electrostatic