On a better note. Good luck with the Thiel 2.7s. In my search to replace my 3.5s. Speaker size was a concern to me due to thinking that we would be moving back to Alaska at a future time. Anyway those thoughts have taken a back seat to other issues.
You sound like you have the knowledge to make them work in your HT system; but will they be as satisfying as the 3.7s for music? I tried for 4yrs to find Speakers to replace my 3.5s
I came to the conclusion that a fairly large speaker is required for coherence and satisfaction through the frequency spectrum. But as I learned that the room was really the major component; I realized through careful placement and acoustic treatment that you could fully enjoy a large speaker system in a variety of rooms.
I always told my wife that I intended to downsize one day. She just laughs at me now. Yes smaller Speakers and subs could keep me satisfied for a bit; but long term, a full size/ full range speaker is needed. Just my thoughts.
Best Wishes on your Journey
P.S. --- Ended up with a bigger house, multiple rooms, plus storage capacity.