I should perhaps have mentioned that a big part of originally wanting the 100.5's had to do with how impressed I was after hearing the 60.5's (not enough power for my speakers) and recalling John Atkinson's review a couple years back calling those the best amplifiers he had ever heard. As a followup, I was told that the 100.5's were essentially the 60.5's up-scaled, which doesn't seem to be the case?
All Pass amps seem to have a slightly different sonic signature. From what I understand, the XA160.5 is the next logical step up in power and flavor from the XA60.5. I've had many Pass amps, and while the highs and mids were wonderful on XA100.5, the bass seemed bloated to me. Some say it the most tube-like of the amps but, to me, not in a good way. The XA60.5 were amazing sounding amps (I love the XA60.8 and X350.8 as well). I love Pass, if you can handle the heat. My favorite right now is the X350.8. Several friends have them and I always look forward to going to see them and listen to their systems.