LED replacement on PrimaLuna Amp/Integrated advice?


I was wandering if anyone has thought about, looked-into, or "gone ahead and done it", replacing the greed and red LED on a PrimaLuna Amp/Integrated with another colour? 

And if one were inclined to do that, are there any suggestions, recommendations, or considerations?

These are cool and useful: http://www.lightdims.com/

They come in blackout or dim. black or silver look to match whatever... I am looking at them on this giant obnoxious Xfinity motem on my desk. MUCH better now! 

And better than electrical tape if you are OCD...which there are signs of ;) j/k. I actually get it. We form these systems for our ears. It becomes a multi faceted hobby and we want to form our systems for our eyes, too...

Thanks for that jriggy. 
I'll check it out. And yes on the OCD charge :)
And absolutely yes on the need for both auditory and visual pleasure!

Cheers mate, 
A simpler solution, while it doesn’t change the color, is to buy a roll of static cling window blackout film (costs about $7 for enough to last a lifetime) and cut out small pieces to fit over the offending LEDs. No one will know but you.