Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
After all of the thought since this post, I would have to say my ONE and ONLY 'wish I kept' speaker is the Energy Veritas 2.8's.

I think I am the only lover of this speaker on this forum!

Dan, I had the pleasure of hearing this speaker years ago. It played music with ease. Seemed to love plenty of power but I really like it. It was in quite a large room. It has great dynamic swing.....cheers, Lloyd
Lloyd -
That is the speaker, indeed! Thanks for the back up!
Ihave loved the 2.8's for years. I have found a pair in my room 3 times, and every time I sell them to find something better, I always feel the need to go back to the 2.8s.

They do, as you say, play music with ease, and definitely do require substantial power and fairly good sized room.
Unfortunately, I have never had the power to make shine, but I do now. Anxiously awaiting a pair from Canada!

Often being accused of 'too active in the bottom end' I have noticed is the case when there has been a lack of power/current, which the Krell 750MC's should take care of now!!

Thanks for notice Lloyd,
I've had my KEF Reference 102 since 1987. I bought them just before going to college. They have an incredible midrange that really shines with vocals, acoustic instruments - truly magical. Definitely not a rockin' speaker, though. I've updated the surrounding electronics over the years and they sound even better. Just ordered a pair of Wilson Benesch Curves for my main system, but I'm definitely keeping the KEF's for a second 2 channel system.
That's easy. I've owned many speakers, practically get a new set every few months(, mostly lower-fi...). But the speakers that I will always have are an old pair of Cerwin Vegas that I bought when I was fourteen(first stereo with an old marantz reciever, heaven!, remember?). They are 10" two way boxes made of solid oak (fourty pounds each- at least). I have resupplied them many times- focal, vifa, scanspeak, currently dynaudio. They are my meat and potato speakers, take what ever I give them, kind of like an old dog. They are like family. Need I say more?