Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil

  •  I'm looking at some porcelain cable lifters to get some power and speaker cable up off the floor.  Does raising the cables off the floor really make a difference? It's going to be about 200 bucks for 10 of them. Thanks.  
The world is full of natural vibration that fortunately has so little effect on the performance of sound gear as to be irrelevant to the enjoyment of music. That reality is likely NOT over geoffokait's head, but his head is so encumbered by imagined audio demons it seems likely he can't grasp that concept, or he's simply afraid this could impact his "magic bag 'o crystals" business. 


As myself and some others have said, we choose to use them for reasons of neatness, and keeping the cables from getting dusty, or for that matter, getting in the way of dusting. Any sonic benefits that they may or may not have are secondary. 

Don’t cables get dusty anyway? I use my trusty dust brush vacuum attachment that sucks very bit of dust off of any cable it approaches, depositing it in a basement bin where I can extract it later and knit a sweater out of it. The last thing I need when vacuuming around my cables is having to put back a pile of tiny cable trestles or duck around fishing wire suspended from the ceiling, unless it's being used for actual fishing (unlikely).
Don’t cables vibrate when hooked up to a vibrating speaker?  Am I missing something  :>)

Don’t cables vibrate when hooked up to a vibrating speaker? Am I missing something :>)

You're not missing something, Pops. But the vibrations of the speaker cabinet are not good for the sound, either, any more than airborne or seismic/structureborne vibrations. The only good vibration is a dead vibration. It's too bad Tekna Sonic dampers for speaker cabinets aren't still available. Hey, wait a second!! I just realized I sell a damper for speaker cabinets, transformers, CD transports, etc. Maybe the SR HFTs would be just the ticket for those stubborn little speaker cable connectors....hmmmmm.