Thanks Bruce looking forward to listening with you!
As far as distortions...Since there is no way of knowing what is actually on the recording, I will go with what I hear as more realistic, more information about the tone and timbre of an instrument. This is informed by my years as a musician before I went to medical school and my continued enjoyment of live music. The KRSP sounds a lot like real music in my system. This was unexpected given what I assumed about Koetsu being romantic. Not a matter of true and false or enjoyable distortions or not. This is simply opinion based on listening.
Enjoy the music not the recording.
As far as distortions...Since there is no way of knowing what is actually on the recording, I will go with what I hear as more realistic, more information about the tone and timbre of an instrument. This is informed by my years as a musician before I went to medical school and my continued enjoyment of live music. The KRSP sounds a lot like real music in my system. This was unexpected given what I assumed about Koetsu being romantic. Not a matter of true and false or enjoyable distortions or not. This is simply opinion based on listening.
Enjoy the music not the recording.