So how's it going with HD DVD?

So every time I go past the HD dvd display at Best Buy, It seems like there's cobwebs on the dvd display and stacks of players!...which don't seem to be moving!!
My first impression is that I don't think most anyone knows nor cares about the whole format. Probably doesn't help that most people have small displays/monitors anyway, and are perfectly happy to keep there noses put in the DVD section.
Anyone else here get that same impression? My worst concern here is that the whole HD dvd upgrade thing falls flat on it's face, and we end up where SACD/DVD awareness is, having most everyone still buying marketed standard cd's!
Does anyone else here get the feeling HD DVD will be like what Laser disc and then D-VHS was, niche market formats that few knew even existed?
I understand HD DVD is having some growing pains. There have been complaints about HDMI issues.
I just got to watch my first HD DVD movie last night, and the difference between it and the regular DVD is incredible, the video is so clear!!! As for HDMI issues, I have had none. I do find the player to be slow, to load, access, etc. but this is a first generation unit so I am not surprised.
Yes, Toshiba has the only unit out right now...

I have had the Toshiba player for about a month now and to be honest, I've watched it maybe three times. I have every movie out right now, but you can only watch Apollo 13 so many times before you start having nightmares.

My personal opinion... HD-DVD is awesome. As more players and movies hit the market, people will start to pick them up. Will they replace standard DVD players in the next two years? Absolutely not!!! Only people like us will adopt them into our systems. With that said, some movie companies are starting to release dual format discs. HD-DVD on one side and regular DVD on the other. That is awesome! I have four DVD players in my house and only one is HD-DVD.

I think the big kicker for HD-DVD is gonna be the adoption of players in the PC world. Any opinions?
I was very impressed by Sony's demo of Blue Ray at the LA Home Entertainment show yesterday. The Picture quality was outstanding! I will wait for the fallout, so won't be an early adopter, but I look forward to Blue Ray HD-DVD.
