You are right @stfoth, some 10 years ago, most class D amplifiers that I listen to sounded either hi-fiish -- like a Technics stereo of the early 1980s, or darkling, or hazy, or even outright screetchy... Yet, even some 10 years ago, some class D amps were already making real music... I fell totally in love and adopted one of the few class D amps which made real music without compromises: The Rowland M312 stereo.
Today the class D field is very different. While you might still find the occasional screetch owl out there, most class D amps seem to be making real music, and more than a few are exceptional music makers. In general, you cannot go wrong with amps based on NCore NC1200 or Pascal M-Pro2 modules.
George, Bel Canto M600 is a relatively entry level monoblock amp. Using the scaled down NC500 NCore module, They were conceived to fulfill price point of a price sensitive segment of the market. At $5K/pair, They are not an attempt to scale the summit of absolute performance levels of amps based on the full NC1200 modules or Pascal M-Pro2 and X-Pro2 modules.
Hi Lalitk, the Rowland M725 monos are based on a class A/B topology. You might have meant the M825 stereo instead, which like M925, sports NC1200 modules.
Regards, G.