Seller has not contacted yet. How long should I wait...

I bought an item (auction) approximately 12 hours ago from a  member here who's currently has no transactions and no feedback. Seller has not contacted me yet regarding the transaction. I sent a message through Audiogon at time of purchase and also sent an email about 12 hours after the transaction. How long should I wait until I contact the staff here? Or what other steps are to be taken if they do not respond in a day or two? 
Did you already pay for it, or just commit to the purchase? Please say that you didn't pay yet...
Well It looks like the page containing the info for the item has been updated with tracking info. Still zero communication though.
Patience, grasshopper. 12 hours not very much time---the seller most likely has a job and family requiring his attention, the auction being a low priority. Nothing to worry about---yet.