PS Audio NEW Huron Firware upgrade. 😩😫😩

I was greatly anticipating this new firware upgrade for the direct stream ,and Jr dac.
i downloaded and applied this new huron so called upgrade   Was a Major letdown for me .
i love the analog like presentation before and row 6-8 perspective. Now it  is in your face town 1-2
to the 5 who heard it in my system Pass labs  class A mono blocks,DHT 4P1L Vacuum tube preamp,Silnote  upper cables 
Sonus Faber Olypica-3 speakers  Aurender 100-H  player AQ Diamond USB   
Core power technologies 1800 for line voltage.   It looks like I may have no choice but go back to the last 
generation of firmware  What a let down ,a few others online on other forums agree .i am sure some will like it  some of the musicality and flow of music are gone  it sounds more like a Sabre dac .
only 1 out of 5 at my house liked the change .how about  a happy medium .
for sure a revision should be in order . The analog smoothness was always welcome just a bit more bottom end and detail  back off the upsampling some ,maybe too much of a good thing.  In another setup 
that is all tubes it may be a good thing .
I originally gave the Huron firmware a negative.
Since then things have changed years why, first I corrupted the down load 
The 1st time by removing the card reader before first right clicking to eject 
Then getting a ok sign.
This one tells me to go over all options . I had bought the latest best Card As, wire
From Pangea ,I thought was decent Wrong  on a hunch I replaced with a 
Furutech 0 crystal Copper power cord and all brightness went away noticeably better. A valuable lessen for even a seasoned Audiophile. 
Always check for any weak link in the chain. 
I love the Huron sound in my DS. Now I have a top tier DAC that gives immense satisfaction.
My listening buddy installed Huron last night. His system comprises Zanden transport/PS Audio Directstream/Air tight ATC1/ATM3 pre/power & Tannoy Autographs (with my crossovers).

Huron was a substantial upgrade - lower noise floor, improved resolution, much quicker. To my ears the biggest performance upgrade since the PS Audio Directstream DAC came out. The improvements were more pronounced on streamed music and CD red-book playback than DSD.
I did notice at first there was so much more information and separation that the music ( Geminiani Sonatas for Violincello & Basso Continuo - Accent ACC10081 ) ensemble seamed dissembled, but this disappeared as the system ran in & ears adjusted to the changes. On another recording - two cellos, plucked strings were staggeringly better separated, each of the strings on the cellos had their own acoustic envelop with buckets of air and fingering much more clearly resolved than before the upgrade. On some old Callas mono recordings her voice shifted back slightly in the soundstage, but resolution and nuance were up several notches.

A no brainer to me as far as the upgrade goes, would not go back.

I have enjoyed a DirectStream DAC now for nearly three years and have applied each firmware upgrade, when it's become available, and have enjoyed each upgrade and appreciated the benefits.

As you can imagine, my DAC is well broken in now.

I immediately found that Huron was a noticeable improvement in the detail from both CDs and SACDs, the placement of instruments/voices in the sound stage was more defined and the bass seems to be a little more accurate.  IMO, Huron is a "keeper".