Upgrade Quandary: Ref 75SE vs Ref 150 (non SE)

I have a ARC Ref 75 (non SE). I’m trying to decide whether to upgrade it to the 75SE through ARC or sell it here and buy an ARC 150 (non SE). For the sake of this debate, let’s assume costs are equal (I know they are not).
Here’s what I’m after
1) More control in the bass
2) More control in upper midrange (same as bass note above)
3) Not deviate too far from the other elements of sound I have.

Room: 21deep x14wide x10high
Dedicated audio

Wilson Audio Sasha (1)
Lumin T1 source
ARC Ref 3 pre
ARC Ref 75
Transparent Ultra g5 balanced ICs and speaker cables.
Bass traps in 2 front corners, 1st, 2nd reflection diffusers.

Thanks MUCH!
P.S. No I can’t audition either amp. in my system.
P.S.S. I’ve auditioned a couple solid state amps, they don’t do it for me. Much more bass (too much) and complete control was found, but they gave up too much in too many areas, like air around the instruments and voices and bloom that I love about tube power.

I would not buy a non-SE ARC amp - the sonic gains are too much. I would save up for a Ref150SE or get a Ref 75SE in the interim and see how it performs.

Seems your collective advice is as back and forth as my thoughts. 😀 I think I'm going to give the 75se a rip and invest further in isolation w ref speaker cables G5 on the horizon. I am demoing 1 pr of Grand Prix isolation feet and the make a big difference under the amp in soundstage depth and precision.
and a bit in the bass. Under the source, much inner detail comes to light.  
Thanks all!!!  

That's awesome what you are experiencing with the GP feet, it's pretty amazing by just adding isolation one can get such positive SQ.

I have owned allot of ARC components over the years including the Ref3, great pre but the Ref6 offers substantial sonic differences across the sonic spectrum and will most defiantly put a huge smile on your face. Don't dare put one in your system unless you are prepared to buy :)

If it was my system as mentioned above my next upgrade would be before I spent $$$ on G5 cables I would get a Ref6 :) - paired up with the 75SE amazing combo.

With the Ref MM cables through out paired up with the Ref6 and Ref 75se the improvements I hear; noise floor drops substantially, everything sonic wise across the spectrum is just more realistic sounding, the sound stage is more focused with performers and instruments being more stable so this provided endless goose bumps listening - the base which to me is the foundation to music is substantial providing proper control without sounding mechanical - I'm very taken back and very impressed.    

 F.Y.I. Want to hear a nice improvement - place 3 Sistrum Audio points with disc under your Ref3 -  http://www.audiopoints.com/audioPoints.php

Enjoy your journey!

Say one thing, do another, huh?  I just pulled the trigger on a very nice looking ARC Ref 150 (non SE) here.  Price seemed very good.  After I sell my Ref 75 (even below current offering asking prices here), it is going to come out $500-1k less dinero - as apposed to the $2500 to make the 75 a 75SE.  So, I figured I'd jump on this 150.  
I'll post a comparison of the 75 to the 150 in my system if anyone is interested. 
@dev I just bought two sets of the Grand Prix Audio isolation feet.  Second pair under the source Lumin added inner detail I can't un-hear. Just solid improvement all around. 

Thanks again to all for your valuable input.