Opinions on Nuprime vs D-sonic vs Red Dragon vs Class D Audio

I'm looking to try a class D based power amplifier. Please share your experiences with the NuPrime, D-Sonic,  Red Dragon or Clas D Audio lines of power amplifiers. Thanks!
Thanks guys I really appreciate the opinions. Glad to hear that it seems the ones Ive narrowed it down to all seem to great performers. Now I have to wait for the right price to pop up!
The only Class D amps I ever tried in my own system are the Arion Audio RS-500s.  I thought they were really good, powerful and non-digital sounding.  I think they come with a home trial, and owner/designer Mike Kallelis is a great guy. 
I bought the D-Sonic M3a-800S (2 x 400w) last year and haven’t looked back.

I went through two class A/B SS set-ups over the past 10 years--a NAD M3 (good built quality, sound was too muddled for my tastes) and a Bryston set-up (BP26, Byston DAC, 4BSST2 power amp--wonderful, solid, totally neutral and dead silent). Have also cycled through various speaker set-ups, Dynaudio, Paradigm Studio and Signature series, Magnepan 1.7 and 3.7s.

The Bryston set-up with the Magnepan 3.7s was supposed to be my retirement system, but when we reduced our living footprint, my listening space dropped from a 30 x 50 living room to a 10 x 12 a pocket office.

Long story short--sold off my Bryston gear and replaced it with the D-Sonic amp coupled with a passive pre-amp from Luminous Audio driving Legacy Studio HD monitors. Near-field listening only given the space constraints...

I’ve been totally impressed with the D-Sonic--dead quiet, dynamic range, fast, neutral (maybe to a fault), and of course no problem driving my Legacy HD Studios (I love the AMT folded ribbon tweeters more than even the sound of the Maggie 3.7 ribbon tweeter). Build quality is first rate and the gentlemen who runs the business is very responsive both by phone and email.

Now to be fair, I’m 60 years old with hearing loss above 7K in both ears. I think this is fairly typical for my age group. And of course I’m comparing apples to pomegranates--my Bryston kit was connected to the Maggies and Paradigms in a large room--my D-Sonic/Legacy set-up is barely 7 feet away from me.

Still, for the kind of music i love, jazz and classical piano, string quartets, female jazz vocals, etc, and given the cost to find out, couldn’t be more pleased.

I just ordered a Class D Audio SDS470C (complete kit).
Looking forward to getting it put together and powered-up!
I'll post more once I've used it for a week or so.

I've had a red dragon S500 in my system for about a year. The amp continues to amaze me. It plays with such authority and control while able to produce a nuanced and balanced sound. I've found the amp to pair well with my LS50's and my roommate's tannoy XT-8f's, fairly different speakers but similar performance. Most recently I've been using a passive TVC volume control with the S500 which really shows off the amp's ability to produce a very holographic sound. The music just hangs in the air. I found an aftermarket power cable to really improve the sound as well.

I previously had a yamaha A-S501 and a peachtree nova 150 which was a great amp, but I just prefer the S500 and the passive combo. I really think your amp choice depends on the rest of your system, especially your front end for a class D amp. My roomate has a nuprime oversampling USB DAC that just doesn't play well with the S500, whereas my NOS R2R DAC really makes the amp sing and is far more laid back.

What are your speakers and your front end and why class D?