Is Spiking Necesarry?

I like to move my speakers around a bit for to test how they sound, so I slide them.  I have the Proac D48Rs, they are kind of heavy so with the spikes in it makes it tough to move them.  I haven't consciously tested or compared the sound with spikes or without them.  Does it make a difference?

Spikes definitely alter the coupling between speaker and floor, the type of change, the effect on sound and whether it's a good thing or not probably depends a lot on your floor construction and speaker placement.

I've got a pair of ProAc D38's that I've had on a carpeted floor in an old weatherboard house on piles. The cones are quite wide and I doubt they would make it through the underlay to the floor beneath which may explain why I can't hear any difference with or without them. We've just moved to a new place with far brighter acoustics and hard floors, so I'll have to experiment again and see what works. For me, speaker placement is the first thing to sort out, then try the spikes. Good luck and enjoy the speakers! I'm just a wee bit jealous ;)


isolating your speakers is paramount to good sound, spikes are not good at all please see spikes v podiums youtube video also have a read on the internet in the speaker isolation forums, if you want to have a serious upgrade put your speakers on Townshend Audio Podiums you will never move them again and the sound will keep you more than happy for many years 
good luck john
ps check Audiogon listings there up at bargain prices NEW and EX DEMO good luck
I run ProAc D15's and use Herbie's Gliders with the stock spikes. Happy as hell - they slide with ease on the hardwood floor. Soundwise - a little tighter bass but you have to adjust the spikes to keep them rock solid to the floor. No movement at all. They go out of adjustment every month or so. 
Helps. The little Star Sound is good under speakers. Quality of stands make most difference but wood, metal or synthetic can sound better. 
Walk them over, I have that problem also! That is lift then up a little and with one side up move them over a little. I should have said with one corner down. Easier to do than to describe. I moved a gun safe this way once.
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