Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
Carl Marchisoto's Alon series of speakers namely the Alon 1's and the Lotus SE loaded with Alnico magnet midrange drivers.

These two speakers just plain make music and disappear into the soundfield leaving no trace of themselves behind providing due attention to room acoustics and supporting components. In fact, I'm on my second set of Alon 1's after selling my original pair to a friend. These baby's have a synergy that is magical when carefully mated with the room and components.

Add a REL ST series subbass system to either of these and jump off the merry-go-round... ;-)
As I've aged, the frequency of loudspeaker changes has dropped linearly. After changing loudspeakers about as often as underwear through my 20s and 30s - a set of ADS towers was in place for 6 years - replaced 10 years back by my Thiel CS 3.6. Make no mistake - despite ANY claims to the contrary these are amplifier EATERS. In my cavernous listening room - anything less than 300 watts per channel is a disappointment.
I realize that there are Thiel lovers - and Thiel haters among you. I fall into neither camp. The CS 3.6 plays Norah Jones and symphonic crescendo with equal grace. Piano sounds RIGHT - and that IS rare.
They will remain my speakers until the new 3.7 hits the used market at a price I am willing to pay.
If you've never listened to Thiels - you should.
After several months with the new Beveridge I understand why so many people have never looked further. I have spoken to many who simply can't change after 25+ years.
I have had many different pairs of speakers since 1968. My current main room system has Magenpan 3.6's, they sound wonderful.

But... Speakers to hang on for life???

I'll keep my Rogers LS3/5a's!
