Thanks to everyone for your thoughts on the subject and your recommendations.
I’m still looking at options. Some that I believe have not been mentioned in this thread are:
- DH Cones/Golden Sound
- Daedalus
- IsoAcoustics
- Synergistic Research MiGs
- EdenSound (thanks, @lowrider57)
- Symposium
- Gregitek
- Alto-Extremo
Any experience with the above products, and if so, your impressions / recommendations?
@13blm: Thank you. I did come across the Anvil footers and they are on the list!
I’m still looking at options. Some that I believe have not been mentioned in this thread are:
- DH Cones/Golden Sound
- Daedalus
- IsoAcoustics
- Synergistic Research MiGs
- EdenSound (thanks, @lowrider57)
- Symposium
- Gregitek
- Alto-Extremo
Any experience with the above products, and if so, your impressions / recommendations?
@13blm: Thank you. I did come across the Anvil footers and they are on the list!