Is Spiking Necesarry?

I like to move my speakers around a bit for to test how they sound, so I slide them.  I have the Proac D48Rs, they are kind of heavy so with the spikes in it makes it tough to move them.  I haven't consciously tested or compared the sound with spikes or without them.  Does it make a difference?
I've been advised bass *always* sounds tighter and better defined when the speaker is on spikes, and there are two reasons for this.

1) Allowing some airflow under the bass of the speaker reduces floor coupling significantly, floor coupling adds bass (boundary effect) muddying the sound;

2) The pounds-per-square-inch for floor contact is like 1000 times higher with the spikes, giving much better coupling to the floor and preventing micro-motions of the entire speaker with bass energy, which causes IM distortion from the rest of the speaker;

All subtle, but, supposedly, instantly audible.

Also, speakers tend to look "kewler" with the spikes on :)
Yeah but it depends on what you are coupling the speaker to.

Also, live music does not necessary have tight bass nor does it image in a 3D fashion.

Depends on what you are after in your system.

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