Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.
Had to share...69 pages.  ;)  3422 responses (guess this makes 3423).

It's crazy to see where we are in this thread and honestly, it's just getting legs with new stuff and continued DAC info.  BTW, I just installed my Audioquest Diamond USB cable and it's awesome.  Can't tell you how much of a difference it's making. I also installed (later) my new/used AQ Horizon balanced interconnect between the Ayre AX5/20 and QX5/20.  It takes my system (with the Vandersteen Quatros) to a new level.  It's a huge component upgrade to my system and I'm hearing music in a different way.  This DAC has to be even better than I thought with the information I'm getting and it's even more musical and relaxed.  If there was a thin layer of glass between me and the music, it's gone.  I think it was Matt who gave the ref of glass or maybe I read it on another board, but it made sense to me.  The Horizon (it's the precursor to the AQ WEL TOTL cable) and solid silver.  Just so relaxed in it's presentation.  My wife asked what the hell I bought now. She didn't realize I put the cable in (it was from a friend and I couldn't resist).  When she notices changes I listen and ask her what she is or isn't hearing.  She isn't into audio in the least.  She nailed it from it sounds 'more quite' (blacker background) to sound more like the concert we were at (was listening to the Joe Bonamassa Carnegie Hall album that is his new release.  She took me there for my birthday last year the night before the major blizzard, lol).  Tina Guo's cello was in the room with us.  It was just so revealing and tonally correct.

I had the shortblock also and loved it. I noticed a large difference when I used my ODSE/SE with a USB cable Steve sold me with the shortblock.  I personally feel the Diamond and the TotalDac cables are my favorite. I believe that the TotalDac has the 5v sever deal built into that box on the cable.  not sure.
Hi Matt. Sorry I missed your call the other day. Been a little crazy between my sister going in for surgery and relatives coming stay for the long holiday weekend. I will call you sometime today.

Just for everyone to know, I am brand ambassador for the Sound Galleries SGM 2015 Music Server and Taiko Audio.

For anyone interested I can setup an in home demo of the SGM 2015 (by the way the "2015" relates to the date of the prototype, not the release date of the SGM)  

A little info on the SGM:

The SGM team (both here in the USA and in Europe) support the SGM by either in home or remote excess. This includes initial setup and any setting changes and all software updates as needed.

There is one on/off switch on the front (besides the master on the back) that you use but once you turn it on it is fine to leave it on from the front switch. But it starts right up and is ready for use. Same with your "iPad". Most users just leave the SGM on and just launch the Roon/HQ Player combo app on their "iPad" and are up and running.

It is controlled by a pad, ie, iPad.
We include a lifetime Roon and HQ Player and give a credit if you have either. (there is more software) The OS is a custom version of W10 Pro. But we can always use another, ie, Linux, if we find at a later date that is a better choice. 

The SGM is a total bespoke server and is designed to be upgraded, both hardware and software. Besides sound quality being of utmost important, future proof was right up there.  

We have customers that replaced their Antipodes and Aurender with the SGM.

We are DAC agnostic, and file type too.

Cheers, Al. 

Thanks for posting Al.  What are the price points of the unit?  Have heard great things about it.
Just found the review Michael L did.  Got the price, lol.  Would love to hear it vs my Steve Nugent Mac Mini, that's for sure.  Exciting times for servers as we've all been saying.