Hi nkonor,
My post was also removed by the moderators. All my post contained was a link to jafant’s self-posted Virtual System, no commentary whatsoever. Apparently, all that is necessary to have a post removed from Audiogon forums is for anyone (guess who) to report it, whether or not (as in this case) it violates Agon’s stated rules.
That’s okay. The message is getting out and the truth is finding its way to the membership, even if to only a few members at a time.
My post was also removed by the moderators. All my post contained was a link to jafant’s self-posted Virtual System, no commentary whatsoever. Apparently, all that is necessary to have a post removed from Audiogon forums is for anyone (guess who) to report it, whether or not (as in this case) it violates Agon’s stated rules.
That’s okay. The message is getting out and the truth is finding its way to the membership, even if to only a few members at a time.