XLR Question

You won't see this one every day....

I've recently converted a listening room to dual use - listening and recording.  I'm trying to use the 2 channel system as a monitor for the recording studio.

The 2 channel pre-amp is an Onkyo 5508 pre-pro (stereo mode) which has a set of stereo xlr balanced inputs available.  So, I want to take the output of my PC audio interface (Pre Sonus  Audiobox) into the Onkyo.

The Audiobox allows the PC recording system to connect to a monitor via balanced 1/4 inch trs out (phone plug). I got a trs to xlr cable and it works perfectly into a pair of active m-audio studio monitors.  However, no signal is evident when I connect the same trs-xlr cable into the Onkyo

Other than a faulty input on the Onkyo, any idea what might cause the monitors to work but not the pre-pro?

thanks in advance
68 Pete

Thanks, but - as noted in my 2nd post - I've already done that. Still no luck.  But thanks for the input, I appreciate it.
Hi Marty,

No, I’ve never tried a one in/two out application of the DTI. My application just involved converting two channels of balanced line-level audio to unbalanced, in a relatively non-critical application as I said.

I would expect that what you are proposing would function, but I’m not sure how well. For one thing you would in effect be converting the balanced inputs of the active monitors to unbalanced, since one end of the secondary winding of the DTI’s transformer for each channel would be grounded by the unbalanced input of the Onkyo. And I suppose hum issues might be another possible consequence. But if good results from that arrangement would be helpful, as you said, it may be worth gambling $60 to find out :-)

Best regards,
-- Al

Thanks so much Al.  Worst case, I'll just run the trs cable into the desktop monitors.  I can always just unplug them and replug them in the DTI and then on into the Onkyo as/when needed.
martykl            I  would try it again, I had the same problem when hooking up Oppo player to my 5508. I do not use the unit any more since i dismantled my home theater. But i remember after selecting XLR you must scroll to the right or left of it (not up down) and select i think it was balance. Good luck Pete
Do you have a PlayStation/Xbox or Game console optical out still connected to the OPT1 or to an HDMI input jack? What I am driving at is if the Digital Input selector for GAME on the pre is set to something that has an active digital connection?

I ask because the default for Onkyo is to give priority to a digital signal and ignore the analog input if a digital input is detected....